Take advantage of this opportunity to meet Cristina Hlusak.
Now is the time to strengthen your most precious possession: your physical body.
Join Cristina Hlusak for this ThetaHealing Intuitive Anatomy Course and explore the hottest topic in Alternative Medicine – Intuitive Anatomy.
Watch Cristina Hlusak “tune-in” to participants, discuss fascinating case histories, identify system imbalance, help you to develop your own intuitive abilities, teach you to demystify physical body processes as well as offer her unique spin on intuitive anatomy from an emotional, spiritual and physical perspective.
Intuitive Anatomy Assessments
During an assessment, Cristina Hlusak briefly “tunes in” to each participant, makes individual suggestions, and answers all questions.
Join us for a ThetaHealing Intuitive Anatomy Journey, taught by Cristina Hlusak in Venice Italy, and learn how to tune in to your body and improve your health.
“Studying with Cristina Hlusak has made a positive difference in my life. I feel younger than I did five years ago.“ Jeniffer Smith, Los Angeles, CA
Limited space. Sign up now!