As kids, we had big dreams of how we wanted our lives to turn out when we grew up. Then, slowly, most of these dissipated due to timing and other circumstances far beyond our reach. Yet, that doesn’t mean that, as adults, we should stop dreaming and striving to turn these dreams into reality. There’s no denying it’s a challenge, and the waiting and hoping are difficult as well. But they’re sometimes a necessary part of life that helps us grow and mature. We all have circumstances that make it challenging to succeed. Yet, we can choose to find a …
Sharing your passion and being a speaker and a publisher is an exciting calling. You have the opportunity to share more about yourself, help your audience, and get to network with other leaders and entrepreneurs. You have faith in your passion. You believe in it. But you can’t move forward on faith alone. It takes action to turn your passion into reality. If you think that God is leading you in this direction, pray over it. Ask those you trust to pray for you as well. Then watch as God opens the doors to publishing and speaking opportunities all around …
Publishing and Speaking: How to Share Your Passion by Cristina Hlusak Serials for Power Readers by Cristina Hlusak ❤️ Sharing your passion and being a speaker and a publisher is an exciting calling. You have the opportunity to share more about yourself, help your audience, and get to network with other leaders and entrepreneurs. You have faith in your passion. You believe in it. But you can’t move forward on faith alone. It takes action to turn your passion into reality. If you think that God is leading you in this direction, pray over it. Ask those you trust to …