There are many classes that ThetaHealing offers. But let’s start with the Basic ThetaHealing Seminar. Register today! ThetaHealing DNA2 Basic Class, the 3-day intensive course, introduces you to the basic techniques needed to initiate working as a ThetaHealing Practitioner. The class consists of a comprehensive understanding of connecting to the Creator using Theta. In the Basic Seminar, you see your life with new eyes. You understand why we attract to our reality certain things and how to change our perspectives. Learn how to facilitate body scans, readings, and healings. Learn about brain waves, chakras, psychic senses, co-creation, psychic reading, body …
Think you have bad luck? Or perhaps it’s poor timing, fate or bad genes that has thwarted your goals and undermined your strength. Highly unlikely. Rather it’s the universe mirroring the negative programming in your subconscious mind. Not only do we stubbornly hold onto limiting beliefs, we seem to be masters at it, so much so that affirmations can have little effect. You’re probably not even aware of the programs that sabotage your happiness and well being. With ThetaHealing techniques you can test the subconscious mind, locate the patterns that holding you back and eliminate them in order to manifest …