According to recent polls, Americans are more anxious and stressed out than ever before. From inflation costs to post-pandemic stressors, war threats, and unrelenting pressure at home and work, people can’t help but feel uneasy and overwhelmed. Luckily, there are things you can do to help ease the impact of stress on your daily life. For example, you can establish a routine that supports your mental and physical well-being. Another is physical and mental activities that can help you become more positive and less apprehensive. This article gathers some of the best exercises to help you relish a more positive …
You probably learned years ago that life isn’t fair. However, sometimes it feels like it’s too unfair to let go of. ThetaHealing can help you deal with the injustices that you see. There are constructive ways to deal with the injustices that you see. 1. Extend Compassion – you are one person and you can only do so much. Offer yourself the same level of compassion as you would to your friends. The more compassion you extend, the less room you have to hold onto anger. You can extend compassion leaning ThetaHealing. 2. Join In – sometimes we feel angry about injustices …
There will come a time in life when you may feel that you are no longer living in the moment. You may look at things going on around you and feel hopeless and stuck, like you are on autopilot and things just happen to you, rather than you being the one in the driver’s seat any longer. Finding a way to get emotionally unstuck so you can enjoy life once again can be key o helping you get the most out of life. While many things can cause you to get stuck in life, from a mental health condition to …