So, you want to become the master of persuasion, huh? The type of person with a solid rhetoric repertoire that empowers you to get what you want? Well, this Audiobook is a perfect step in the right direction. The first on our list relates to conceding an argument instead of trying to win it for your ego. When you allow the other person to believe they’ve won the fight, they tend to become benevolent. In turn, you can then precisely get what you want. For instance, let’s say you’re arguing over who had the last biscuit out of the jar. …
For years, you have allowed your subconscious mind to take control of your life and the experiences that you have had. Your subconscious makes decisions about your actions, the drink you pour, the food you eat, and even how you deal with stress. How is this possible? That almost every aspect of your personhood is driven by the interpretations, beliefs, and perceptions buried in your subconscious. You have dozens of subconscious blocks, each shifting your decisions. DELETE these negative blocks. It’s EASY! Learn how to train your subconscious mind! Get the Results You Want! Discover: What Is The Subconscious How …
Serials for Power Readers by Cristina Hlusak ❤️ Do you want to create abundance in your business? Are you tired of feeling as if you never have enough time, money, or clients? Do you want to break through and create the business of your dreams? Discover: What your abundance blocks are How to overcome them How to build a community of abundance seekers Here’s a peek at what you’ll find in this book… Understanding Abundance Blocks How to Release an Abundance Block 4 Affirmations for Finding Abundance Make It Happen: Put Abundance in Action Find a Community of Abundance …
How to Use AI In Your Business Serials for Power Readers by Cristina Hlusak ❤️ 1. Use AI to Complement the Services You Provide 2. Create Social Media Content With the Help of AI 3. Bulk-Create Social Posts With the Help of AI 4. Build Ethical AI Practices in Your Business 5. Elevate Your Offerings Using AI
How to Heal from Childhood Trauma Serials for Power Readers by Cristina Hlusak ❤️ 1. Do You Know About Adverse Childhood Experiences? 2. What Impacts Do Adverse Childhood Experiences Have? 3. How Influential are Adverse Childhood Experiences? 4. What Can Be Done About Adverse Childhood Experiences?
A Planner for Goal-Oriented Women by Cristina Hlusak We all get the same amount of time each day: 86,2400 seconds, 1,440 minutes, or 24 hours. It’s up to you to figure out how you’re going to spend that time. Sadly, many of us spend our days doing things that don’t really add any value to our lives—or anyone else’s for that matter. The good news is you can train yourself to focus more and have fewer distractions with this Planner for Goal-Oriented Women This Planner helps you to make a conscious effort to add purpose and value to your life …
How to Reclaim Your Life When You’re Overwhelm Serials for Power Readers by Cristina Hlusak ❤️ Do you want to enjoy your life again? Are you stuck on how to get out of an endless loop of overwhelm that never seems to stop? Do you want to simplify your days so there’s no chaos in them? Discover where your overwhelm stems from, why you’re experiencing it, and how to make a plan that sets you free once and for all. Here’s a peek at what you’ll learn… • Where Does Your Overwhelm Stem From? • Defeat Overwhelm in Your Daily …
How to Offer a Vip Day in Your Business Serials for Power Readers by Cristina Hlusak ❤️ Do you want to create a new income stream for yourself? Are you stuck on how to launch a new service without creating more work for yourself? Do you have a burning desire to help more clients with in-depth projects? Discover how to set up a VIP day, how to price it, and ideas for follow-up. Here’s a peek at what you’ll learn… • Focus Your Client VIP Day • Create A Client Contract • Prepare Your Client • Where to Host Your …
How to Overcome Loneliness Serials for Power Readers by Cristina Hlusak ❤️ Are you tired of feeling alone? Do you long for an active social circle that’s filled with people who love and care about you? Are you ready to create community in your everyday life? Discover how to develop a community mindset, reconnect with old friends, and begin building new fulfilling relationships with those around you. Learn how to … • Develop a Community Mindset • Reconnect with Family & Friends • Make New Friends • Volunteer for a Good Cause • Look around You • Adopt a Pet …
How to Play by Your Own Rules Serials for Power Readers by Cristina Hlusak ❤️ Do you want to feel confident in your business? Are you stuck in feedback cycles where you’re constantly waiting for approval from someone else? Do you have an idea you want to implement but you’re afraid of what everyone else will think? Discover how to start trusting yourself, creating rules that align with your values, and trust your inner vision for your business. Read Serial Stories, one short episode at a time. Here’s a peek at what you’ll learn … • You Are the Expert …