Morning Affirmations for Parents and Kids
Any parent can tell you all it takes to ruin a morning is one person getting up on the wrong side of the bed. Within just a few minutes, the mood in your house can shift from joyful and excited to grumpy and overwhelmed. That’s why it can be helpful for parents and kids to begin the day together with morning affirmations. Try starting with some of these:
I am loved.
When kids know they’re loved, they carry that knowledge with them. It comforts and supports them throughout the day. You can have your child say, “I am loved,” then add the name of family members like, “I am loved by Mom. I am loved by Dad. I am loved by my big sister Susie.”
I believe in myself.
This is a positive affirmation kids can repeat during the morning and again throughout the day at school. It’ll give them confidence as they study and ease their anxiety when they’re faced with a new experience.
I am strong inside and out.
Kids need reminders they’re strong and capable. Have your child repeat this affirmation while touching their heart to indicate their inner strength, then flexing their arms to show their outer strength.
I can do this.
Adults know that failure is just part of the learning process. But kids get upset when they try something, and it doesn’t work the first time.
You could have kids repeat this affirmation while they’re doing a morning task they struggle with. Have your child say, “I can tie my shoes” or “I can button my jacket.” Acknowledge your kids’ efforts with this one and encourage them when they need it.
I am thankful for…
Have your child start the day by listing what they’re thankful for. Don’t pressure your child to get a “right” answer here. The power in this affirmation doesn’t come from their answer; it comes from helping kids shift their focus to all the good things they have in their lives already.
Display Your Child’s Affirmations
Place different affirmations you want your child to see throughout your home. A good place to put them would be on the bathroom mirror so the affirmations are the first and last thing your child sees each day.
You can also put affirmations on the back of your doors. This gives your child a dose of positivity before they leave for school or daycare.
Think of screens your child sees, too. If you let your child play with your smart device, make your background image a positive affirmation. Your laptop and TV have screensavers you can program to show helpful affirmations.
When you teach your child to embrace and repeat affirmations, you’re teaching them how to control their attitude. Your kids will learn to become positive thinkers that look for the good in every situation, especially in the mornings.
Help your kids learn to love mornings when you attend my ThetaHealing Events!