10 Ways To Nourish Your Soul
It’s easy to lose track of time, health, and well-being because we’re so caught up in this seemingly never-ending rat maze. We don’t know how to slow down long enough to enjoy being alive.
Even relaxing weekends and leisurely getaways are becoming increasingly more difficult to achieve or just, well, blah.
The good news is that you’re not alone. Studies show that nearly 70% of employees feel disengaged in their workplace. And over 50% of young adults report a lack of motivation at work and in life.
While these numbers seem grim, the silver lining is that there are things you can do to bring that sense of inspiration and contentment back into your life.
If you’re looking for a good place to start, this is it!
To help increase your well-being and nourish your soul, we rounded up these 10 easy things you can do each day. Look through them and see which ones make you feel inspired to take that first step and get started.
Slowly, but surely, you’ll notice that everything on this checklist can make your life a little less complicated and make you enjoy living it a whole lot more!
Set Aside Time Each Day to Meditate
When seeking out nourishment for the soul, mind, and body, nothing beats meditation. This simple act of focusing on your breathing as you clear your mind has been proven to enhance memory, sleep, and creativity.
Start with just five minutes each day, then gradually increase. The more time you spend meditating, the more fulfilled and content you’ll feel in life.
Take a Bath
People have known the health benefits of baths for centuries, especially if you add certain ingredients to the water that make you feel rejuvenated and restored.
Medical experts often recommend adding salt, ginger, oatmeal, lavender, coconut oil, and more.
One recipe calls for mixing mustard seed powder, baking soda, Epsom salt, and essential oil. Then, add it to your bath water to replenish your body’s magnesium supply and help boost your overall well-being.
Read More
Nowadays, we have tons of reading options to choose from. You can buy, rent, or borrow books. They come in many forms: paperback, hardback, audio, and screen-friendly files.
Yet, no matter the type of book you’re reading, you can almost always guarantee that you’ll learn something new and engage your brain in some hypothetical situations. Plus, it’ll make you forget about the day’s troubles for a while, which is great for your mental and emotional health.
Volunteering is an amazing opportunity to see how other people are living their lives. By helping them, you get to feel a sense of gratitude for everything you have in your life. Plus, you feel good about yourself and help make their lives a little easier for a while.
Smile More Often
There are plenty of opportunities where you can sneak in a smile here or there during the day. You can smile at that stranger who holds the door for you at the supermarket or the neighbor you meet on your way to work.
The act of putting a smile on your face is enough to send some happy hormones coursing through your veins. So, make it a point to smile more.
Listen to Music
We tend to enjoy different kinds of music at different stages of our life.
You’ll notice that sometimes you’re in the mood for something upbeat and festive. Other times, you just want to enjoy the comfort and peace of listening to something calming and ethereal like classical music or soft jazz.
Whether you’re listening to it sitting down or dancing, music allows you to get rid of stress while spreading positive energy throughout your body.
Spend Time Outdoors
Do you live near a beach? Then, enjoy an hour or two feeling the sand on your feet and the spray of the crashing surf on your face.
You can also get the same effect by spending as little as 5–10 minutes outdoors. Take a walk, cycle, hike, or garden. Or just find a peaceful spot and enjoy the moment.
Not only does the air smell fresh and clean, which is a sure way to lift your mood. But studies show that exposure to adequate lighting each day is necessary to maintain physical and mental health.
Enjoy the Art Scene
It doesn’t matter if you visit local museums, view online collections, or paint something at home. According to one study by the University College London, art has a way of making you feel elated and giddy with excitement.
You can always tell when a piece of artwork appeals to your senses even if you’re not entirely sure exactly why.
Seeing your dresser, kitchen counter, or desk in a state of utter disarray is enough to put a damper on anyone’s mood. It’s a constant reminder of yet one more thing that needs to be done and that we keep putting off.
Yet, decluttering doesn’t have to be exhaustive or anything too drastic. In fact, all you have to do is give yourself the illusion that everything is in order. The quickest way to do that is to straighten up things into neat piles, throw out a couple of items, and dust off the surfaces.
Indulge in Aromatherapy
Whether you opt to go outside and literally smell the roses or use a few drops from a bottle of your favorite essential oil, the end result is the same. Science tells us that our brain releases feel-good chemicals when we smell something we like.
Not only that, but we tend to take long, deep breaths when we like a certain scent or aroma. And just the act of breathing deeply is enough to lower stress levels. Thus, you start to feel relaxed and more in control.