A Planner for Goal-Oriented Women
A Planner for Goal-Oriented Women
by Cristina Hlusak
We all get the same amount of time each day: 86,2400 seconds, 1,440 minutes, or 24 hours. It’s up to you to figure out how you’re going to spend that time. Sadly, many of us spend our days doing things that don’t really add any value to our lives—or anyone else’s for that matter.
The good news is you can train yourself to focus more and have fewer distractions with this Planner for Goal-Oriented Women
This Planner helps you to make a conscious effort to add purpose and value to your life and follow through. You’ll soon notice you’re getting more done during your day than ever before!
This Planner can help you become more efficient and productive and be able to get the most out of your day.
Even if you’re one of the more dedicated and organized people out there, you still waste time. Whether you work from home or in the office, we’re all getting distracted and losing focus. It may not be deliberate and you probably don’t even realize you’re doing it until it’s too late.
This Planner for Goal-Oriented Women is created to:
• Help you define your goals
• Keeping you focused
• Effectively manage your time
• Make you more productive
You’re probably wondering: how is this a time-waster? But too often we fall down the rabbit hole of ‘organizing’ our day. Sometimes, we take too far that we actually run out of time to do any of the things on our list.
This is an amazing planner and to-do-list. With this Planner for Goal-Oriented Women, you can pick one day out of the week where you plan out the whole seven days in advance. You can schedule work-related projects, meetings, and deadlines. You can also include a workout schedule and get-togethers with friends.
Multitasking is another thing that we do to trick ourselves into believing we’re being productive. Yet, the sad truth is, multitasking wastes a ton of time. It’s counter-productive when your attention is divided among several tasks at once. In other words, it’s just another form of distraction.
The Fix: It’s simple. By this Planner for Goal-Oriented Women and put all your attention and focus on one task at a time. When you’re done, move on to the next task, and so on.
A Planner for Goal-Oriented Women
Language: English
Print Length: 54 unique pages beautifully illustrated
ISBN: 979871112047
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