You Have the Power to Reach Great Success
You have the power to reach great success with ThetaHealing. Wishful thinking is more than just sappy daydreaming – it’s real. It’s the first step to turn your ideas into reality. As Walt Disney himself believe, “If you can dream it, you can do it.” And we all know how of a dreamer he was.
Each one of us has the power to reach great success, just like Disney, but it’s the subconscious that sabotages all this because of negative experiences, doubt and certain ingrained beliefs that we are not good enough.
With ThetaHealing you can reprogram your subconscious mind and achieve everything you ever wanted.
With ThetaHealing you can reprogram your subconscious mind and achieve everything you ever wanted.
But only sitting at home dreaming won’t get you anywhere. You have to be proactive by making a mental image of what you would like. Then take it a step further and imagine you already have it.
Your mind is a very influential tool and its ability to focus is what makes it unique. And it’s up to you – you can choose to put a spotlight on the positive and make things accessible and attainable; or you can focus on the negative and hold yourself back with your fears and anxieties.
Thoughts create emotions; emotions impact real change which brings about the physical experience you desire.
Meditation and mindfulness are 2 examples of how we regain destiny by nurturing positive thoughts and suppressing the doubts, fear and negativity.
This way, we can actually alter the way our subconscious works which then affects our overall attitude and how we see the world and everything in it. It’s very similar to reprogramming your computer.
This all depends on the intensity of your thoughts as well as the power and stability of your emotions.
Learn ThetaHealing with me, Cristina Hlusak. Working together, we can boost your health by stimulating the natural healing powers of your body.
Start today a new journey with ThetaHealing. Sign up for my next ThetaHealing.