3 Steps to Unlock the Power of Your Mind
So, if you want to use the power of your mind to make things happen, the first step is to focus your thoughts on what you want to achieve, and clear away the clutter of unwanted or negative thoughts. How to focus your mind is the first thing you learn in a Basic DNA ThetaHealing Class. The heart of this course is the practice of techniques that allow you to change life patterns.
How to focus your mind is the first thing you learn in a Basic DNA ThetaHealing Class. The heart of this course is the practice of techniques that allow you to change life patterns.
The second step to use the power of your mind to make things happen, is choosing what you want. This may sound simple, but it actually requires a lot of self-reflection and decision-making which may be difficult for some people.
Many people procrastinate rather than boldly decide what they want for their lives. This procrastination comes from a fear of failing miserably which none of us wants to happen. But not even having a clear image of how you want your life to be just because you’re afraid of what might happen is not very productive, or healthy.
In order for anything to work in your life, you have to make a conscious decision on what it is you really want. And once you realize the importance of what you’re focusing on, then your mind starts working on ways to reach your goals. It’s only when you doubt the importance of your goals that the clarity of focus weakens and things start to fall through the cracks.
The third step is to have a sustained focus which in simpler terms means defining your long-term goals. These go hand-in-hand with your short-term, every day goals, like getting through your meetings, finding time to exercise, returning your emails. Alongside that, your sustained focus should be on losing ‘x’ pounds by Christmas, or having a lot of money in the bank, or learning how to be happier and more content.
Ok, now we’ve gathered our thoughts, focused them into a meaningful purpose, what do we do next?
Well, mental energy needs a push from our emotions to get the universe to move in the direction you want. So how do we get our emotions involved? By getting excited, inspired and confident in your abilities to do what needs to be done.
Write down your 5 main goals on a sheet of paper and hang it up where you can see it each day. This technique keeps your goals fresh in your mind which bolsters your determination and excitement about the things you want to achieve in life.
By tying in your emotions to your thoughts, they work together to create a physical energy to help you get things done. The great thing is that if you believe in it long enough, your actions will slowly move you closer to achieving everything on your list, sometimes without even realize you’re doing it.
As the Hawaiian saying goes, “Continuous thought is the chief, action is the follower.”
Learn ThetaHealing, the powerful modality that allows you to unlock the power of your mind.
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