3 Amazing Benefits Of Learning To Love Yourself
No matter how much the hardest among us deny this – we all have a desire to be loved. Often, it’s a romantic love that we crave. We are caught up in our loneliness and it’s normal to have a want for companionship. Though, romance isn’t everyone’s struggle or want – it may be a familial want or a platonic friendship. While, for some it may be a combination of all of these.
Learning to love yourself comes with some incredible benefits, here are some.
1. You’ll Be Large & In Charge
Instead of making bad choices because you’re being led by shame, guilt or fear – you will be empowered to make choices that truly make sense for who you are – meaning you will be living your authentic life. You will no longer be caught up with people pleasing, instead you will live a life that brings you satisfaction. Self-love means trying to honor yourself because you know your needs are just as important as others.
2. You Set Boundaries & Stick To Them
Once you have the hang of honoring your needs you start to feel more confident, which means you are more assertive. Of course, this results in a more purposeful attitude, especially when it comes to dating. You start to see who is wasting your time and you’re strong enough to move forward without them. More to the point, you are strong enough to set clear boundaries with people and stick to them.
3. The Approval Seeking Will Stop
When you truly love yourself, you stop worrying about what everyone else thinks about you – which means you’re a less defensive person and more confident about living a life that is authentic for you. Why would you need acceptance from everyone else when you truly accept yourself?
ThetaHealing can really help you to love your self more. Learn ThetaHealing today. Start now. Sign up for my nest ThetaHealing classes.