Reflection and Gratitude: A Journey of Self Discovery
Reflection and Gratitude: A Journey of Self Discovery by Cristina Hlusak
Are you ready to make your life happier and more fulfilling? Most people say they want those things, but they don’t take the actions to put the habits into place to make it happen. Now we aren’t talking about huge time or money commitments here. Just small additions to your daily life that will change your perception and mindset.
Anyone can do it, but most people keep doing the same thing they’ve always done—ignoring the possibility of deeply knowing themselves and focusing on what they don’t want. All that does is bring the same results over and over again.
In this book, Reflection and Gratitude: A Journey of Self Discovery by Cristina Hlusak, we are going to give you simple actions and tips for bringing more life-changing reflection and gratitude to your everyday life so you can be happy, healthy and abundant.
In this book, Reflection and Gratitude: A Journey of Self Discovery by Cristina Hlusak, we explore a variety of perspectives that fuel the need for self-reflection and gratitude, the benefits of each and how to go about starting and maintaining a reflection and gratitude practice.
Remember To Count Your Blessings
No matter how rough your day is, counting your blessings makes it better.
Thinking about the things we are grateful for actually releases feel-good hormones that make us feel lighter and happier about where we are in our life.
Making Time For Reflection
You may think your schedule is already so busy that you couldn’t possibly add anything else, such as a self-reflection or gratitude practice. That’s cool. Most of us feel like that until we take on the challenge and see the surprising results of how we live in the world.
There may be times when your life is busier, so you mostly do gratitude and short bursts of reflection “on the fly.” You might sneak in some time to do a little practice on your lunch break for example, but not have time to journal much during that week. That’s fine. And that will happen, so there’s no need to beat yourself up about not being perfect. Remember, the aim is for you to be happier!
You can buy this book here.
Language: English
Publisher: MysticYou™ Publishing
Sold by: Services LLC
UNSPSC Code: 55111505
ISNI: 0000 0004 8006 4927
ISBN: 9781658927222