Self-Reflection & Self-Awareness Practice: A Journey Into the Self
Self-Reflection & Self-Awareness Practice: A Journey Into the Self by Cristina Hlusak
If you find yourself constantly living in the past and concentrating on what you should have done differently, start using a self-reflection and self-awareness journal.
This book, Self-Reflection & Self-Awareness Practice: A Journey Into the Self by Cristina Hlusak, guides you to cultivate an attitude of gratitude. It invites you to take time from our busy day and remember to give thanks for all the blessings that keep coming our way on a daily basis.
Self-reflection isn’t spending time going over the mistakes you’ve made and beaten yourself up for them. You may want to take a careful look at the patterns around previous failures. However, the reason should be to learn from them and not to dwell negatively on them. This way you know what to watch for in the future, so you don’t continue repeating unhealthy patterns.
If you find that difficult, that’s normal. Most people do because our society teaches us that only perfection is acceptable. So start your self-reflection by considering these more “positive” aspects. Once you get the hang of it and can look more objectively at your weaknesses and mistakes, you can move onto looking at them with loving curiosity. Until then, during quiet times of reflection, ask yourself:
• How am I giving myself or serving others?
• How does my attitude impact my daily life?
• Am I happy? What would make me happier? What small changes could I make to be happier?
You can buy this book here.
Language: English
Publisher: Mystic You™