You Have a Body
You have a body.
How does your body feel most of the time?
The physical sensations allow you to become more aware of your body.
If you have been split off mentally from your body, ThetaHealing Intuitive Anatomy taught by Cristina Hlusak, will help you reconnect. Reconnecting with your body will help you understand better your emotions and create the conditions for enhanced physical health.
This amazing course promotes balance of body and mind.
Learn how to love yourself more. Sign up now for ThetaHealing Intuitive Anatomy by Cristina Hlusak.
Prerequisites: Basic DNA and Advanced DNA
In the ThetaHealing Intuitive Anatomy course, you will discover the extraordinary human body’s anatomy intimately and intuitively.
You will become highly skilled at body scanning and releasing accumulated energetic emotions to heal yourself and others.
We will go through each system to see what beliefs and programs are creating diseases and ailments. You will learn what diseases are usually associated with organs and body parts and how to change and heal them.
This class will teach how to honor the client’s free agency and how to realize how much space is taken by negative emotions. You will learn the programs associated with fungi, bacteria, viruses, and parasites and how to release them.
You will practice seeing inside the body and co-create healing in exercises with other students. This class offers very specific illustrations, media, and demonstrations to assist in exploring the complexity of the human body.
In this astonishing Intuitive Anatomy class, you will develop your intuition greatly and enhance your abilities to work precisely with yourself and others. The clearer you become, the easier it is to work on their clients. You will be able to clear emotions and issues that you have been carrying for a long time, consciously or unconsciously and you will be able to become a clearer conduit for others.
After this course, you will be a stronger and healthier healer. This class will certify you to take the DNA 3 Course! This is required for the designation to become a ThetaHealing Master!
Sign up now for the ThetaHealing Intuitive Anatomy Course taught by Cristina Hlusak. You will be more aware of your body and of your sensations.