Activation of the Pentacle
This Activation is called “ACTIVATION OF THE PENTACLE OF THE ELEMENTS FOR THE EVOLUTION OF MANKIND” and is based on the verbal and silent vibration of the sounds.
The sequence of sounds is comprised of three basic letters: IA DA, which correspond to one of the seven titles or descriptions of the Divine, handed down by the Ophanic Aangels to John Dee and Edward Kelley during various sessions between 1589 and 1595 in Prague.
The first six steps of the activation correspond to the four principles of energy:
- Step 1 = attraction and repulsion
- Step 2 = transformation
- Steps 3 and 4 = complementary
- Steps 5 and 6 = equilibrium
- Step 7 = the union between mind (sun) and heart (moon)
This Activation will be performed in seven steps and include the correspondence between sequence of sounds, planets, platonic solids, colors and between:
- Icosahedron
- Dodecahedron
- Cube
- Octahedron
- Tetrahedron
The more appropriate correspondences one is able to consciously add, the more effective will be this Elemental Activation.
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