ThetaHealing Abilities
- Posted by Cristina Hlusak
- Categories Testimonials
Cristina is a warm, loving person. She has incredible ThetaHealing abilities, she has my sincere trust when working with people.
Debbie Idaho, USA
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With Love
Cristina is my very best friend. I want to thank her so much for what she had done to help me. Cristina worked on me twice, and all the fears that I had had for years are gone and my broken heart is healed. She is amazing and kind hearted, and now I live my life with no fear and doubt. Cristina is definitely a good healer and has always tried her best to help me and other people. She is also a good teacher who has taught me a lot. She is an adorable lady whom I respect and …
Thank You For Your Kindness
Dear Cristina, I really thank you for your kindness and openness. After you helped me through ThetaHealing, I feel more open and connected to God and myself. My life is falling into alignment now and I am finding the right people to start my business. Not only that, but now I am at peace with the idea of having kids, which I was concerned about before. Thank you so much. I want to learn ThetaHealing to improve myself as well as any others who want to! Aracelli Zea, Las Vegas, USA
With Deep Gratitude and Appreciation
I had my 14 years of experience with Kriya-Yoga meditation, energetic healing with Dr. Kam Yuen (, Reiki, intuition and many metaphysical techniques, but I had a lot of skepticism in the beginning and it was taking two weeks of my spare time to become more familiar with ThetaHealing, to read Vianna’s book “ThetaHealing – Go Up and Seek God, Go Up and Work With God”, Revised and Expanded, Second printing December 2007, ISBN 0-9671754-2-9; plus a very special ThetaHealing session with Cristina on January 31, 2009. I am very impressed with Vianna’s pure intentions, serious books, manuals, classes and …