Two Paths to Success
“Everyone has their own path. Walk yours with integrity and wish all others peace on their journey. When your paths merge, rejoice for their presence in your life. When the paths are separated, return to the wholeness of yourself, give thanks for the footprints left on your soul, and embrace the time to journey on your own.” Anonymous
Not all decisions in life are good and lead to the pristine path of success. Acceptance of this fact helps us to take crucial decisions at critical times in life and this is how successful people are born. Point blank. Here are two paths to success:
1. Evaluate the best and the worst cases
Evaluation and assessment play a significant role in the process of decision making. When in a dilemma, assess the decision and question yourself, ‘What will happen if the decision proves to be wrong?’, ‘What is the worst case associated with the decision?’ etc.
In ThetaHealing Dig Deeper Course you will learn how to ask the right questions. The answers to such questions will give clarity about the importance of your decisions and its impact on your overall life.
Wouldn’t it be great to have the answer to success? One word or even one sentence that could immediately propel you straight to the top? Sadly, we all know that this belief is just that—a belief. But when asked what the single most important factor in their success through life was, Vianna Stibal had the same single-word reply: Focus.
2. Don’t look back or doubt yourself
Self-doubt is a barricade to your path of success and mostly leads to failure. After you take a decision, be confident about it. Understand that you have clearly assessed all the pros and cons before taking the decision. This would be helpful in bringing back your lost self-esteem and the much-needed self-confidence in you.
Gather the best information possible, and give it some honest, objective thought. Then, progress and proceed with your decision.
In life, there will be situations when we have to change the route because we failed to make the “best” decision. But changing route at some time is much better than being continually crippled by indecision. People who have the ability to make correct real-time decisions in life often become great leaders.
ThetaHealing can lead you to the path of success. Learn ThetaHealing with me. Sign up now for the my upcoming ThetaHealing classes.