Expand Your Heart
Expand your heart to accommodate all living beings.
If you have any prejudice towards any group because of their race, gender, religion, or social class, ThetaHealing World Relations taught by Cristina Hlusak will help you eliminate it.
This amazing course provides an antidote to prejudice and intolerance and promotes equanimity.
Prerequisites: Basic DNA, Advanced DNA, Intuitive Anatomy or Basic DNA, Advanced DNA, Basic Teachers, and Advanced Teachers.
The five-day ThetaHealing World Relations Course was designed to improve the ability of ThetaHealing practitioners to work with people of all races, religions, and cultures.
In this course, you will discover beliefs and blocks they may be carrying about other people, countries, languages, or cultures.
By clearing these blocks on all levels, you will be able to embrace and work with different cultures with ease and clarity.
If you have ever visited a country that didn’t feel right or had judgments about cultures without knowing why, you may be carrying beliefs from generations ago, either genetically or from past life experiences.
In this course, you will clear generations of genetic and history-level beliefs about cultures, religions, and diverse backgrounds. You will release beliefs attained through modern media and personal experience, freeing you from hidden judgment or prejudice.
You can complete any unresolved issues about countries or places you have visited this lifetime or past.
The first two days are focused on the world’s diverse customs and beliefs and clearing any negative emotions or programs associated with particular cultures or people.
The third day concentrates on the belief structures of a healer and how to work more effectively with international students and clients.
The last two days are dedicated to the religions of the world and acceptance of these through unconditional love.