MysticYou™: Finding The Mystic Within You
Explore the mystical part of your life with MysticYou™, a new approach to gaining practical wisdom.
MysticYou™ must be experienced spiritually at a level of awareness beyond the power of words and normal thinking.
MysticYou™ can become part of your life and identity. MysticYou™ is the mystic part of you, empty and lost in a positive way – yet alert, ready for the next revelation and opportunity.
MysticYou™ can help you if you take your experiences seriously and make something of them.
I can talk to you about MysticYou™, about being a Mystic – but you’ll need to practice and experience MysticYou™ personally with your spiritual faculties.
If you could get out of the way, who knows what you could become?
Use MysticYou™ – your spiritual imagination – to establish a world alive and mysterious. Use MysticYou™ as a home to a presence impossible to describe but also impossible to deny.
Why wait any longer?