I Love My Job In Teaching ThetaHealing
Cristina Hlusak – Internationally Recognized DNA Programmer Makes Her First Bucharest Appearance (Bucharest Romania, 17 June 2009)
Internationally recognized healer, Cristina Hlusak, announced today plans to establish a permanent office in Bucharest with the launch of her new website. “I love my job in teaching” she said.
In her work helping people become well, Cristina Hlusak reports many miracles.
“If our brain is our hardware and our DNA is our software, and what we’re doing is reconnecting strands or restructuring the DNA, then we might be giving a human software upgrade, allowing access to a multidimensional field and that may be our evolution,” says Cristina Hlusak. “It’s not really healing because it’s not about getting better from something.”
When asked about the most interesting experience in what she is doing, Cristina Hlusak says, “It’s always the most recent one.”
Based in Las Vegas, Cristina Hlusak appears for the first time in Bucharest on her current world tour, following the first ThetaHealing Basic seminar in Bucharest Romania.
In her first course thought in Bucharest, Cristina Hlusak addresses why people around the world are investing time and money in an attempt to explain a healing.
Originally trained in USA, Cristina Hlusak discovered ThetaHealing and today she teaches people how to use this new spectrum of healing. She has taught over 26,000 people worldwide and her groundbreaking healing continue. Nearly 100 people have already registered for this ThetaHealing Workshop which will be held on June 26 from 9:30am to 6:30pm in Bucharest.
“It’s time for us to just open our eyes and look for where we’re being spoon-fed fear, disguised as love. My work is about teaching,” says Cristina Hlusak. “I would rather say that I made a fool out of myself trying to enlighten people and heal, rather than having done nothing out of fear.”
About Cristina Hlusak
Cristina Hlusak has appeared on overseas television. “This new healing energy is accessible to all of us – it’s the same source that makes trees grow. It’s not just energy, it’s a full spectrum of light, healing energy and information. We don’t necessarily understand it, but it works. This is an opportunity to bring an amazing change to the planet. We are hitting the next jump in our evolution,” says Cristina Hlusak.
Find out more about Cristina Hlusak.