The Purpose of Meditation
Often the mind is compared to a lake. If the surface is smooth – not a ripple – then we can see what lies beneath. Similarly, when this mind becomes calm, when the wind of uncontrolled desire does not constantly create waves over the surface of it, then the image of our true nature is not broken, and we obtain a perfect reflection of what we are in reality and what our relation is with the Higher Self.
Our vision can never be unerring as long as the mind is agitated. We constantly hope that someone else may give us knowledge and happiness, but that is impossible. These can only come from within.
What we need is to be active spiritually. As we go on living our life, we must devote some time each day to making our minds reflective to develop our subtler powers of perception.
We need to concentrate like a focus light. We know that when light is dissipated, we cannot see well, but everything goes distinct when the help of a shade or reflector brings together the scattered rays. So will the hidden powers of the universe be revealed to us through the determined practice of meditation?
Subtle spiritual being hidden in every heart. If we know this, we know how to solve the riddle of this human existence. Some are fearful because so many things are hidden from them. Some fear the future because they don’t know what the future may bring. This is why you need to learn to focus the mind and turn it within by its brilliant light; you will understand everything and attain the vision of Truth. The purpose of meditation is to gain that vision. This must be the purpose of all spiritual practice.
Tag:calm, fear, focus light, happiness, heart, Higher Self knowledge, life, light, meditation, mind, perception, power, reflection, spiritual, spiritual practice, truth