I’m Cristina Hlusak, an Astrologer, Trainer, Author, Certified Professional Coach, and proud member of the International Coaching Federation (ICF) and the Italian Association of Professional Coaches (A.CoI.). As a ThetaHealing Master & Instructor, my mission is to guide you toward becoming the person you truly aspire to be. Through ThetaHealing courses, personalized astrological consultations, coaching sessions, webinars, and both online and in-person events, I am here to support your journey of transformation and self-discovery.
Since 2008, MysticYou™ has provided a wealth of online resources, including courses, articles, essays, videos, books, workbooks, and journals, all designed to help you transform on every level—physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.
If you sense there’s more to life and you’re ready to unlock your full potential, start now.
Join my classes and experience the power of choice. By attending, you’re choosing to expand your potential and develop your psychic abilities.
Give yourself permission to uncover what you truly desire to create a meaningful shift in your life. I believe that, regardless of your dreams or obstacles, you hold the power to change your life. Reach out—I’d love to help you on your journey!
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Success Stories
Are you ready for your love?
I am amazed at what I have manifested with ThetaHealing.
Thank you Cristina for this amazing ThetaHealing session.
Many fears and subconscious beliefs came up when I went through this process. I was afraid of the responsibility of success and what it meant to own my dream house.
I was afraid if I was seen by any people I would be attacked. Through ThetaHealing ‘belief and feeling work,’ I was able to clear enough beliefs to unfold a deep feeling of safety, trust, faith, and patience with life.
I haven’t manifested everything I envisioned in this session, but I am amazed at what I have manifested so far... Read More
Are you ready to manifest everything you’ve ever wanted in your life?
These are the words spoken by Vianna Stibal, Founder of ThetaHealing, in her Manifesting and Abundance CD. “Yes,” I said to myself as I closed my eyes relaxing on my comfortable couch.
As I followed the guided meditation of going up to the 7th plane of existence, my brainwaves dropped into an alpha brainwave and then gradually locked into a theta brainwave.
See, I learned when we train our brains to easily go into a theta brainwave, much of our intuitive and subtle psychic abilities are activated and new neural connections are made. The more we practice and become clear within our minds, the more we are able to create exactly what we intend... Read More
Are you ready to meet your soul mate?
Within a few months of a ThetaHealing manifesting session with Cristina Hlusak, after I stopped pushing for things to happen and when I least expected it, I met my most compatible soul mate.
On my way from Hawaii to Peru with a layover in Miami, I met a woman with long dark hair whom I had seen in the kitchen of my dream home in my manifestation session months earlier when I met Cristina Hlusak.
I recognized the same feeling I felt in the visioning session and knew she was one of my most compatible soulmates (I currently have three on this planet by the way).
It was instant recognition, like the ‘love at first sight moments in movies that I used to question really existed... Read More
Are you ready to experience ThetaHealing?
One adventure and another led to the unfolding of lessons that empowered me in incredible ways.
The last 15 months of my life have taken me on a ThetaHealing-filled adventure from the US to Egypt, Costa Rica, South Korea, Japan, Hawaii, Peru, and Brazil.
I listened to the intuitive call of my soul to guide me through this awakening process and I was rewarded by life for making the commitment to spiritual healing. It is true that I have gone through tremendous amounts of clearing and continue to do so.
However, ThetaHealing makes this healing process easy and actually fun. I am continually surprised by how beautifully simple and effective it is. It is amazing that so many of us are awakening to the profound potential of our Beings and our ability to create rapid growth in our lives... Read More
Are you looking for a ThetaHealing Coaching Program?
ThetaHealing coaching program was one thing I was looking for.
I decided to pursue Cristina’s ThetaHealing coaching program to learn ThetaHealing and to better help myself and my team to make the changes they desired.
During my career as a leader, I felt limited in my ability to facilitate change in my workplace.
I always wanted to help others to identify and overcome their weaknesses, so I decided to create a small business that specialized in coaching professionals.
It hasn’t been easy getting the word out about what I do. ThetaHealing and the coaching industry are fairly new. A lot of people aren’t clear on what ThetaHealing is exactly or what the benefits are... Read More
Are you ready to stretch your body?
Monika Andreas starts Yoga Classes for the Seasoned Body at her Home Yoga Studio in Las Vegas.
After a lifetime of practicing and teaching Yoga For the Seasoned Body in Chicago’s Lakeview neighborhood, Monika Andreas decided that she wanted to open a studio of her own in Las Vegas. “I wanted to create a community of people that support one another and have fun,” she says. Today, Her classical Yoga studio, Yoga for Seasoned Body, offers private, semi-private, and group classes in Las Vegas.
“Cristina Hlusak has a wealth of experience and personal success that is shared with unbelievable compassion and dedication. Cristina helped me thrive and today I have a strong client base.
Take Cristina Hlusak’s suggestions and use her passion to create a thriving business.” … Read More

Have you still not found what you are looking for?
I have been trained for many years in various healing modalities, including extensive shamanic training in the Amazon jungle. When I encountered my first ThetaHealing Workshop in January of 2008 with Cristina Hlusak, I knew it was what I had been looking for.
I remembered that I instinctively already knew how to use this modality and immediately began to transform my life.
I was working a respectable 9-5 job in San Francisco, and like many of our fellow earth people, I felt very tied to a system that was not nurturing my deepest passions.
Using the ‘belief and feeling work’ that I was taught by Cristina Hlusak in ThetaHealing, I was able to unplug myself from the constraints and limitations of the ‘city collective.’ ... Read More
Are you ready to share ThetaHealing?
Sharing ThetaHealing in Macau and Hong Kong was a wonderful experience.
ThetaHealing in Hong Kong was new in Asia but not in the USA. Founded by Vianna Stibal, based in Montana, USA, ThetaHealing opened the doors to the world to all interested in ThetaHealing.
It is one of the most fantastic things to see people from all over the world, with many kinds of rites and rituals, from all sorts of cultures, religions, races, and creeds, all united to learn about this powerful energy healing technique.
I’ll soon be in Asia, Macau, and Hong Kong to share ThetaHealing with my students. We will all meet from different nations, many religious, and many points of origin, but united in the ideal of wisdom ... Read More
Are you ready to start your ThetaHealing journey?
In May 2010, here in Reno NV, those of us in the 3-day seminar on Basic DNA were so pleased and privileged to have Cristina come from Las Vegas to teach us ThetaHealing. Thank you, Cristina!
Cristina taught us so much! And an added bonus was hearing about all the amazing experiences with ThetaHealing in her travels all around the world with Vianna Stibal.
Here are some of my experiences with ThetaHealing:
If I wake up early and want to go back to sleep, I go to theta and magically go back to sleep.
If there’s a physical issue I want to address, I go to theta, which results in an amazing warmth flowing throughout my body and to the affected area. This is a great technique if your hands or feet are cold! ... Read More